Tea Time with Compassion E2 Release

This is the second episode of Tea Time with Compassion and a new member of Power That Be appears. Dominique Bowlin, an Inspirational Motivator, has some amazing input on some of the self-perpetuating abilities in the world today.

Plus, be on the lookout for her new hit song “Change the World.” Music video coming soon!

Learn more about what we do at PowerThatBe.org

Aka’s Ask and Ye Shall WHAT Speech

This is a speech by Aka that was captured recently by Power That Be and all we can say is…..Wow!

Bryan Bowermaster has been known to channel entities, or as he calls them, avenues of the eternal self, and they always share the wisdom of all that has ever been, that which is, and that which is to come. It is interesting because for much time, Bryan says, these avenues of eternal self have not had any reason to be conveyed publicly, until now. 

Though questions and comments are welcome, Aka has asked that we do not release too much information at this point regarding the speech or about Aka’s whereabouts.

If you listen to this speech, you will find at least one answer to your questions.


Upcoming Talk – Tea Time with Compassion

Well, if there is a time and place for anything worthwhile, it is now! Seem obvious? Good! That is the point! Sometimes the best things to express loudly are the things that are obvious because that which is worth knowing is worth expressing, for it has the potential to inspire.

As you all know, inspiration is what Power That Be stands for. Which is why we are proud and excited to announce the beginning of an ongoing production known as Tea Time with Compassion. Do not let the lofty undertones of the title fool you, for this assembly of meaningful and concordant productions aims to change lives, offer perspective, and open the door for discussion so that all may create, share, and inspire. After all, we do have the responsibility of evolutionary consciousness to think about. 

This is an open door for all to share for the betterment of all. This means those that wish to get involved and be part of the show can reach out to bethatpower@gmail.com to organize their opportunity. 

Here is how the first talk affected some of our speakers:

“I enjoyed the opportunity to have a challenging conversation with two intelligent people without having it devolve into conflict. It’s a great way to practice confrontation without feeling threatened.”



“This was an amazing learning experience. I came in like a student learning from both Micheal’s and Bryan’s perspectives and their philosophies. I got a few key points from this project that will be useful in the future. One of them being that no matter what our beliefs are, whether we have control of what the outcome is or whether we have little control, the one thing we have in common is compassion and coming together to fix problems, without having to agree with each others beliefs!”



“I have to say that the power of association is an amazing factor when it comes to discovering one’s own self and potential. In light of that, being around Michael and Chuy for this talk definitely showed me how grateful I am to be able to expand and express my beliefs about how to help in this world, in the presence of those that genuinely support and constructively criticize. This talk reinforced the strength of faith and the power of expression in my life and I am ecstatic to share the table with Michael and Chuy again!”


If you haven’t seen the preview yet, watch it here:


Career and Happiness Interview

Power That Be as a whole is honored to be able to share a superb experience with a superb individual who changes the world in a big way. 

Has anyone ever asked you what do you do?

This may be a common question for some and the answer tends to be common as well. Most people associate what they do with what kind of job they have. We answer without thinking and spout out what our occupation is.

If you identify with your job as what you do and you are not working your dream job, you begin to contradict your heart.

Your career is actually an extension of what you do in this life.

Stacy Harshman, a recognized Certified Career Coach, explains the importance of choosing a career that will be aligned with what you actually do.

Life is beautiful and we all deserve to express that in our personal and business lives.

It is an honor to have this inside information available, free of charge, from such a wonderful professional.


Starters Are Finishers Workshop | powerthatbe.org

Okay! That voice that keeps talking about the business, the painting, the music track, the invigorating blog, or whatever it may be that has been calling your name, but you haven’t quite found the right starting point, is a voice that WILL NOT GO AWAY!

It is important for your soul and your heart to do what you love!

The world needs your unique gift, it’s that simple.

It IS why you are here on earth.

You see, the true self knows no limits and it takes commonalities and relation with others with an unconditionally loving grain of salt.

This workshop includes a very special guest by the name of Michael Marvosh and it shakes things up for a pleasing change in perspective.

You don’t want to miss this!

It is time to START doing what you love NOW!

Please share this interview and your comments to inspire others as well.

Starters Are Finishers | powerthatbe.org

Is there something that you have always wanted to do in your life and you can’t stop thinking about it as each days passes.

If you feel that you haven’t found the right answer on how to start doing what you love then you don’t want to miss this interview with Michael Marvosh. It is absolutely amazing and it will be posted very soon!

Remember: Create – Share – Inspire

#changelives #startdoingwhatyouloveNOW
